Monday, July 30, 2012

Motivate Yourself!
Motivation is the key to successful living. Motivation is the desire to do things and involves goal-directed behavior. Here are seven simple steps to help you motivate yourself!
1.     Have clarity of your goal.  Clarity is about recognizing what you want and how to obtain it. 

2.     Think Positive. Surround yourself with positive thoughts and motivated people. 

3.     Live healthy and avoid exhaustion. Get enough sleep, exercise and eat healthy. This will help you have the necessary energy to take action.   

4.     Own your personal choices and avoid excuses. 

5.     Recognize set-backs as an opportunity to learn not to quit. 

6.     Use action words like “I will”, “I must”. Do not use “I will try”. These three words give you permission to fail. 

7.     Avoid procrastination.  Achievement is met by taking action and meeting your goals. Empower yourself by choosing to succeed and not by being lazy.
Research shows that you can influence your own levels of motivation and success. Be the best you can be and increase your self-esteem by following these seven simple steps.

The Empowerment Project

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