Sunday, August 12, 2012

What Factors do not Predict Happiness?

Research tells us that the following factors are not strong predictors of happiness.
Money: The correlation between actual wealth and people’s perceptions of whether they have enough money to meet their needs is surprisingly modest.
bag of money-With persuasive advertising and escalating material wants – people feel that they cannot afford what they need and want therefore they feel dissatisfied with their income.
-People are so focused on financial success that they don’t derive much satisfaction from family life.
-Higher income is associated with working longer hours leaving less time for leisure pursuits.
Age:  Age and happiness are consistently found to be unrelated.  Age accounts for less than 1% of people’s happiness. There may be a shift in focus as people become older – work becomes less important and health becomes more important – but people’s average level of happiness remains relatively constant over a lifetime.
Parenthood: Children can be a great source of joy and fulfillment, but they can also be a tremendous source of stress. Compared to childless couples – parents experience more marital problems. However, the positive and negative aspects of parenthood balance each other out, because research shows that people who have children are neither more nor less happy than people without children.
Intelligence and Attractiveness: Intellect and physical attractiveness are highly valued by our society. Research has found no direction correlation between these characteristics and happiness.
What makes you unhappy?

The Empowerment Project

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