Sunday, November 11, 2012

Boost Your Confidence – Choose to Forgive

Forgiveness is difficult. Forgiving yourself and others of past mistakes is a hard step to take and one that requires humility. Pride prevents the process of forgiveness from happening.
The process of forgiveness begins with a change of heart and perspective. First, you must feel forgiveness in your heart and then you will have the insight and strength to alter your viewpoint about the situation.
Pardoning someone who has harmed or hurt you, whether deliberately or unintentionally, is really more about you than them. It is impossible to change others, and it is not your responsibility to try. You are only responsible for your own thoughts and actions. Avoid spending time trying to change the person who has hurt you. Spend time changing your own heart and mindset.
If you choose not to forgive, you will continue to feel helpless, frustrated and trapped by anger. The inability to forgive will rob you of your power.
Forgiveness will give you renewed feelings of energy and joy. You will be free of anger, remorse and guilt. Boost your confidence and empower yourself.  Choose to forgive.

The Empowerment Project


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