Monday, January 30, 2012

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Do you choose to EMPOWER Yourself?
In order to answer this question it is important to understand the definition of empower.
EMPOWER is to give power or authority.  POWER is the ability to act or to produce an effect. Do you choose to invest power in yourself each day?  
It is important to recognize that your thoughts and actions directly impact your self-esteem.
Self-esteem is “how you feel about yourself” – a self evaluation.  You have the power to increase your self-esteem and confidence through positive thought patterns.
1.     Accept yourself for who you are.
2.     Know yourself – embrace your strengths and be willing to improve areas that you see as weak.
3.     Be at peace with yourself.
4.     Welcome opportunities to be alone. The ability to be alone reflects independence and self-sufficiency.
5.     Challenge yourself. Try something new, take up a hobby, or face a fear.
6.     Learn to advocate. Speak up and recognize that your opinion counts.
7.     Set goals. Identify something you want to accomplish, make a realistic plan and stay focused on your goal.
8.     Clean house. Embrace friends that uplift you and minimize relationships with people who drag you down.  
CHOOSE to empower yourself. Are you willing to begin today?

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