Saturday, March 17, 2012

Why are labels so powerful?
Labels are powerful because we choose to believe them.
Labels affect our self-esteem and our ability to succeed.
 Can we get rid of negative labels?  HOW?
YES!! We can get rid of negative labels.

 After one of my seminars a women spoke with me about a label she had chosen to wear since middle school. A boy in her math class commented on her stringy, straight hair - comparing it to her older sister’s awesome, great-looking hair.
I asked the women two questions.
“Does your hair define you?”
“Would you like to know how to replace the label?”

1.     Recognize you have a choice not to believe the negative label if there is no personal benefit.

2.     Stop reacting to negative impulses.

3.     Choose to ACT and empower yourself.

4.     Provide yourself with positive options – healthy words to replace the unhealthy words.

Do negative labels define you?

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