Sunday, May 13, 2012

Is your teen struggling with self-esteem?
Teach teens to feel empowered and confident by recognizing that they have control over their self-concept. A self-concept is a collection of beliefs about one’s behavior and unique qualities. In other words, your self-concept is your own mental picture of yourself.  It is a collection of self-perceptions.
The verbal and non-verbal messages your teen believes about them affects their self-concept. Teach teens to avoid these three words - 'I will try'.  ‘I will try’ gives them permission to fail or to avoid commitment. Teach them to feel confident and capable by using three power words - 'I will do'.  
A healthy, positive mental picture will help to increase your teen's self-esteem.
Take the time to EMPOWER your son or daughter!
Websites to visit that offer programs that build esteem and confidence in tweens and teens.
Mighty Aphrodite –
The Ivy Girl
Time to
Utah’s Teen 
Girls on the Run Salt Lake

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