Sunday, March 10, 2013

A Game Changer

Celebrate optimism! Did you know that March is National Optimism Month?

It’s time to celebrate the positives in your life. Research shows that optimists are more likely to achieve their goals, have better health, greater prosperity and more happiness than pessimists. There are many simple strategies you can use to empower yourself and those around you. Begin today by taking The Optimism Challenge.

The Optimism Challenge:

Select an item from the list below and incorporate it into your daily routine for one month.

1.     Focus on the bright side of life. Challenge yourself to express only positives about yourself and others. Avoid the negatives and begin to feel happier. You will also inspire others to think positive.

2.     Express thanks. Find things you are thankful for each day.

3.     Share words of praise. Give a family member, friend or co-worker a compliment. Remember to include yourself!

4.     Sprinkle your world with positives. Choose your favorite quotes and post them throughout your home and in the work place. Feel joy as you and others reflect upon these messages.

5.     Be polite and appreciative.  Take the time to express appreciation to others by saying thank you.

6.     Use technology to spread optimism. Post positive messages on your website or Facebook page.

7.     Share a smile. Research shows that the average person smiles 50 times a day. Smile more and feel happy.

Optimism is a game changer – it is powerful and contagious. Look on the bright side of life and empower yourself and others.

The Empowerment Project


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