Monday, January 6, 2014

Mind Body Motivation

Are you feeling sluggish, anxious, and stressed out? The remedy can be simple – exercise! Research tells us that exercise brings a more satisfied lifestyle. Researchers from Penn State University found that people’s daily physical activity is directly related to people’s satisfaction with life.
David Conroy, professor of kinesiology at the university said, “Shifts in depression, anxiety and stress would be expected to influence a person’s satisfaction with life at any given point in time. In addition, fatigue can be a barrier to engaging in physical activity, and a high Body Mass Index associated with being overweight may cause a person to be less satisfied in a variety of ways.”
 “We found that people’s satisfaction with life was directly impacted by their daily physical activity,” said Jaclyn Maher, Penn State graduate student in kinesiology. Based on their findings, the researchers confirmed a greater amount of physical activity can positively improve satisfaction with life.
Empower yourself daily through exercise. The first step is to get started. Run on the tread mill, join an aerobics class at the local gym or take a brisk walk during your lunch break. The key to feeling less stress and increased self-esteem is to start moving and to exercise!
To stay motivated it is important to remove barriers and be aware of situations or thoughts that may generate a negative outcome and prevent you from succeeding. Barriers will drain your energy physically and emotionally, perpetuating additional stress and feelings of failure. After removing barriers the next step is to find solutions that will help you move forward.
Common barriers and solutions are:
1.     Negatives.  Negative thoughts about exercise will prevent momentum. If a temporary setback occurs, take the time to re-evaluate your game plan and make adjustments. Solution: Believe in yourself and the benefits that daily exercise can provide.
2.     Defensiveness. Change is difficult. Breaking old habits and starting new ones is a challenge. Do not be overly critical of yourself when minor setbacks occur. Feel secure about yourself and be open to ideas to improve your plan. Solution:  The buddy system may be the key to keeping you motivated. Ask your friends and family for their support. Run with a friend or join the aerobics class your sister is enrolled in. Feel secure about yourself and be open to ideas to improve your plan.
3.     Bullying. Do not bully yourself by putting yourself down if success is not met immediately. Remember change takes time. Solution: Focus on the positive by keeping a journal about your progress and highlight the positives. Do not dismiss your accomplishments and take the time to applaud your successes.
4.     A lack of accountability. Make certain your goal is attainable and measurable. It is important to be accountable for the outcome of your effort. Solution: Find ways to make your plan work and do not give up. 
5.     Limited belief. Negative thoughts about yourself and your progress will prevent success from occurring. Demeaning thoughts will only make the process more difficult. Solution: To remain motivated and positive place inspiring notes and quotes on your door or mirror. Review these thoughts prior to exercising. Listen to upbeat music while exercising and be inspired! 
Get out of the dumps and empower yourself through exercise. Shift your unhealthy feelings of anxiety and stress to healthy feelings of self-esteem and confidence by engaging in daily physical activity. Avoid barriers that may prevent forward progression by setting yourself up for success.
The Empowerment Project

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