Saturday, June 9, 2012

Introvert or extrovert – what are you?
Answering a few simple questions may help you recognize if you are an introvert or an extrovert.
1.     Do you prefer one-on-one conversations or group activities?

2.     Do you prefer expressing yourself in writing or verbally?

3.     Are you the life of the party or do you sit back and take everything in?

4.     Do you prefer listening or talking?

5.     Do you prefer working on your own or with a group?

6.     Do you prefer focusing on one task or do you prefer multi-tasking?

7.     Do you have a quiet kind of energy or high energy?
Today’s psychologists describe introverts as being drawn to less outside stimulation with a quiet kind of energy. They prefer solitude, listening to talking, focusing on one task at a time and they’re not overly worried about wealth, fame and status.  Extroverts tend to be assertive, high energy and the life of a party. They prefer talking to listening, are comfortable with conflict, multi-tasking and are drawn to social stimulation.
Do you see yourself as an introvert or extrovert?

The Empowerment Project

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