Sunday, September 30, 2012

Six Steps to Successful Living
Successful living isn’t about adding skills, money or “things” to your life. It’s about changing behaviors and habits that promote a negative outcome...      
Stop Waiting!!
How do you spend your time?   Are you waiting to be happy, healthy or successful?
It is important to recognize that how you spend your time defines you. If you are spending too much time waiting, then it’s time for CHANGE! Make change in your life by setting a goal and creating a realistic plan to achieve that goal so you can move forward. Stop waiting for things to happen and begin to make things happen
 Stop blaming others!
Do you blame others for your mistakes or failures?
Nobody wins at the “blame game.” Take responsibility for your thoughts, choices and actions. It may seem easier to point the finger at someone else instead of owning it yourself. In the long run you will learn more from your mistakes than passing them off as someone else’s fault. In order to change it you must own it. Personal growth comes from the day-to-day process of making choices--positive and negative. Stop blaming others and begin to own your thoughts and choices.
  Stop trying to be perfect!

Is perfection a reality? Do you know anyone who is perfect?
Accept yourself. This includes your talents, strengths, flaws and imperfections. Embrace yourself for who you are and who you want to become. Appreciate all aspects of yourself, be true to yourself and stop blaming yourself for past mistakes. Stop trying to be perfect and don’t pretend to be someone or something that you’re not.
 Stop letting others control you!

Do you allow others to control your inner GPS?
Take control of your life and destination by moving into the driver’s seat.  Give up on relationships--personal or professional--that encourage you to be someone or something you are not. When other people tell you that you can’t do this or that because it is too difficult or impossible, stop listening! Learn to listen to your inner voice and to trust in your instincts. Take control of your inner GPS and stop letting others control you
Stop the negative self-talk!
What messages are you sending to yourself?  Are your thoughts and feelings positive or negative?
You are what you think and all actions begin as a thought. Stop sending negative messages to yourself about yourself. Begin to focus on the positives about yourself, your abilities and your life. If you want to live a happy, healthy, successful life, think happy, healthy, successful thoughts.  Begin each day with thoughts that promote confidence, security and stability and stop the negative self-talk
  Stop feeling entitled!
Do you think that the world owes you?
No, the world does not owe you anything! A sense of entitlement promotes feelings of unhappiness, low motivation and disrespect. Hard work is a strong predictor of happiness. Learn to work and to enjoy it. Stop feeling entitled and recognize that the real solution to a successful life comes from hard work and gratitude.  

The Empowerment Project –

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