Monday, October 15, 2012

Lemons or Lemonade  
For many, a better future seems to be an illusion.
lemonade standAre you full of optimism? Do you see the glass as full? Do you have the ability to make lemonade from lemons? In other words, do you live on the bright side of life?
Optimism is a mental attitude. As an optimist, one expects the best possible outcome from any given situation. Optimism provides hope and feelings of hope. Researchers find that an optimistic lifestyle causes certain advantages. Staying positive can improve physical and mental health, increase productivity and decrease stress.
Throughout the world, people believe that the future will be better than the past. Children look to a positive future as they play the childhood game when-I-grow-up I want to be. Research tells us that adults and teens are just as likely to see the glass half full.
Being an optimist has its advantages.
Persistent: Optimists don’t give up easily and they are more likely to achieve their goals.
Better Health: Optimists have a tendency to view set-backs differently than pessimists. They also have less stress and healthier lifestyles.
Self-belief:  Optimists believe in themselves and they expect good things to happen. They are willing to take risks and create positive events in their lives due to their mindset.
Higher Achievement: Scientific evidence shows that optimism may be hardwired by evolution into the brain. Optimists often work harder and earn more. Economists at Duke University found that optimists even save more of their annual income.
While optimists expect the best possible outcome from any given situation it is also important that they view the outcome realistically.
Optimism can positively affect your mental and physical health. Are you ready to turn lemons into lemonade and to live on the bright side of life?
The Empowerment Project

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