Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Pep Talk!


Five Power Words to Live By

Coaches give pep talks! Teachers and parents give pep talks! It’s time you give yourself a pep talk. It’s an empowering thing to do. Speak up and share inspiring, and uplifting words to motivate yourself.
Believe. Self-belief creates feelings of confidence. Stop worrying about what you haven’t done and focus on what you can do. Use healthy words to uplift your thoughts, and promote feelings of self-appreciation. Take a personal inventory of yourself, and increase your confidence through positive self-affirmations. My dad taught me that in order to believe in the good stuff about myself – I must focus on the good stuff about myself. “Eliminate the negatives.” Take his advice and when a negative thought pops in your head, analyze it for truth, learn from it, and then toss it away.                                                                                                               

Attitude. A positive attitude is always the best choice – even though there are times when a negative attitude is the easier choice. Taking the high road, and feeling positive about life, can be difficult. I love these four words, “Think positive – be positive.” The other day I was at the grocery store, waiting in the checkout line, when I overheard a mom share these insightful words with her teenage daughter. “You wear your attitude like lip gloss – you choose the color and keep re-applying throughout the day."

Action. Take action and get moving. Nothing is accomplished by standing still. Forward progression is the result of hard work. These are motivating phrases to encourage success at home, in the work environment and on the playing field. At times it is hard to feel motivated and to take action. Begin by dreaming big and fill in the details over time. Success doesn’t happen all at once. It is a process. When we lived back East, both my sons were very involved with the school football, basketball, and track teams. For years, I stood on the sidelines watching them take action on the field, court and track. I have heard coached share words of motivation and frustration. Through it all I have come to realize – taking action is a personal choice. 

Passion.  What are you passionate about? Look at your options and then select the choice that is right for you. You will feel motivated by the things in your life that you are passionate about like your children, golf, playing the piano, giving service or writing poetry. Identify your passions by looking at how you spend your time and what you love to do. My friend is passionate about organizing her home and providing healthy meals for her family. She has written a cookbook and built a successful blogging business from her passions. She is successful because she is doing what she loves!  

Thank-you.  Take time to say thank you. Don’t allow opportunities to express appreciation slip away because you are distracted, pre-occupied or too busy. Be grateful, and give thanks each day for the good things in your life. Gratitude will open your heart to the positives that exists around you. Growing up, we often felt love and appreciation from my mom. She would tuck special notes inside our school lunch bag or place a note on our bedroom mirror or pillow. Now she sends us text messages expressing her gratitude.Words are powerful!  

Take responsibility, and don’t waste your time on unhealthy words or phrases that deflate, and damage your self- belief. Learn from mistakes, and choose to empower yourself by using positive, power words.

To learn more visit  The Empowerment Project

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