Sunday, July 15, 2012

What is motivation?
Motivation is an internal condition that involves goal-directed behavior. It is the desire to do things. Research shows that you can influence your own levels of motivation.
What motivates people to push themselves? A need for achievement – to be the best they can be. Hard work is not the only determinant that drives achievement.  Situational factors can also influence an individual’s desire to achieve. 
Example: You work hard to earn an A in calculus class because you value good grades. There is also an incentive offered by your parents - the use of the family car for social activities if an A in calculus is earned.

The Three A’s of Motivation:
·        Achievement – goal setting, reaching the goal builds self- esteem

·        Affiliation- belongingness, feelings of attachment build trust

·        Aggression –persistent,  bold and energetic pursuit of furthering one’s end

What motivates YOU?

The Empowerment Project

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