Saturday, August 25, 2012

                                                                                                                         Teach Teens to Manage Social Media 


Tweens and Teens have embraced and absorbed our ever-changing world of technology. It is critical that youth learn to control technology and not allow it to control them.
I.  Teach teens to exercise self-discipline.                                 
Set specific FAMILY rules and boundaries in regard to technology and on-line use. Be clear about the expectations and consequences. Teach teens self-discipline through personal example.
2. Teach teens that an imbalanced life is the result of making poor choices.                                                                                                            Empower teens by teaching them to own their choices and the consequences of each choice.
3. Teach teens to plan ahead and avoid procrastination.                                  Allow teens to make important decisions regarding their own schedules and to learn from the consequences of effective and ineffective time management.
4. Teach teens to minimize distractions in their world.                                    Teens will be empowered when they learn to control their use of technology.
5.  Encourage teens to have fact to face relationships.                                        Self-belief and confidence will increase as teens improve their communication and social skills.
The bottom line is parents cannot be with their teens 24/7. It is important to teach them that balancing their lifestyle and managing social media is a CHOICE!
The Empowerment Project  

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