Sunday, August 19, 2012

What Factors Predict Happiness?
Research tells us that the following are strong predictors of happiness.

Love and Marriage: Romantic relationships can be stressful but research shows that people rate being in love as a critical ingredient for happiness. Among both men and women, married people are happier than those who are single or divorced.
Work: Work is a source of happiness. Less critical than love and marriage, job satisfaction has a tremendous association with happiness. Studies also show that unemployment has a strong negative effect on happiness and well-being.
Genetics and Personality: The best predictor of a person’s future happiness is their past happiness. Happiness does not depend on external factors as much as internal factors. Research shows that some people are destined for happiness and others are not. Genetic dispositions account for a substantial variance in happiness – perhaps as much as 50%.

What makes you happy?

The Empowerment Project

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