Sunday, September 16, 2012

Pity Party or Power Party
Each day we receive numerous verbal and nonverbal messages about ourselves and our lifestyle. Some of these messages are uplifting and positive and others are not. The negative messages can be absorbed into our minds and hearts lowering our self-esteem. It is important that we learn to be conscious of this process and stop believing the negative messages. Too often we dismiss the positive messages allowing the negative ones to stick on us like post-it notes on a memory board.
We store unwanted clutter in our minds. Mental clutter weighs us down, is frustrating and is a burden. Clutter varies from person to person as does the process of cluttering. Take time each day to de-clutter your mind and heart of unhealthy thoughts and beliefs. Remove the negative post-it notes by following these four steps:

1.     Attract positives.  Bundle your unhealthy thoughts and behaviors and discard them. Avoid negative self-talk and end the negative phrases in your head by replacing them with healthy words. Boost your confidence through positive thoughts and actions. When you think positively, you feel empowered and capable. 

2.     Affirmations are effective. An affirmation is a declaration of something that is true.  Self-affirmation builds self-esteem and helps us to keep a positive attitude. Make your affirmations personal by using the word ‘I’.  An example of this is “I deserve to be happy.”

3.     Stay optimistic. The process of de-cluttering requires change. You may have set-backs and experience some ups and downs. Empowering yourself from within is a lifestyle change and requires practice. Be patient with yourself and avoid looking at set-backs as failures. 

4.     Small successes count. Take time to recognize the small successes in your day. Too often we acknowledge only the big successes in ourselves and others. The small “stuff” in our day does count and needs to be recognized. Applaud the simple steps forward in your life and remember whenever a lesson is learned it counts as a success. When we don’t recognize each step in the process of making change, we minimize our self-esteem.

Get started today! Each time you recognize an unhealthy message about your life and lifestyle, immediately replace it with a healthy message. Feeling esteemed and empowered from the inside, will radiate outwardly to others.

 Will you choose to attend your personal ‘pity’ party or ‘power’ party?

The Empowerment Project

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