Sunday, September 23, 2012

Step Up and Nurture Yourself
External demands often times over-power our lives. Our schedules are managed and controlled by others and we neglect to take time each day to recognize and value ourselves.
Strengthening the “inner core” is not just about engaging in exercise for your mid-section. It is about strengthening the inner-self, the soul of you. How do you show love and appreciation for yourself? Often times it seems easier to express love, appreciation and gratitude to others than to ourselves.
Here are a few ideas that will help you step up and nurture yourself:
1.     Be optimistic about yourself, your abilities and talents. Recognize that you make daily contributions.

2.     Goals are good and help keep us focused. If a goal you set is not reached for whatever reason, do not allow this to diminish your value and self-esteem. Re-evaluate the goal and make certain that it is reasonable and obtainable. 

3.     Refusing requests is not wrong and should not cause you to feel guilty. You have the right to say no. You deny your own importance when you say yes and you really mean no.  

4.     Manage stressors in your life.
-Get enough sleep.
-Be aware of your own well-being.
-Eat healthy foods and exercise.
-Pace yourself.  Be realistic about what you can accomplish.
-Don’t procrastinate.
-Avoid bringing work problems home with you.
-Each day take time for yourself. Read a book, take a walk, call a friend or practice some form of deep relaxation exercise.
-Deal with feelings of anger towards yourself and others. Work through your frustrations and seek support from family, friends and a professional therapist if necessary.
5. Recognize that the “little things” can make the “biggest” impact on our lives. Begin each day with a positive outlook and attitude.
6. Take time to share a smile with others and engaged in laughter.
Is a hectic lifestyle preventing you from feeling joy? Commit to making one change today.

Are you ready to step up and nurture yourself?

The Empowerment Project

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