Monday, February 11, 2013

Stress Theory
Is your glass half empty or half full?
Let’s get down to business and take a close look at what causes stress. Researchers have established several theories about stress and the negative effects of stress that often result in poor health and disease. Evidence shows that daily hassles are more harmful to your health than major stressful events. The truth to the matter is, the little things over time add up and cause harmful outcomes to your health and personal wellness.
Research shows that stress can result from a variety of stressors – a loss of status, conflict with a family member or friend, threats to self-esteem, work overload or environmental overcrowding.
Learn to minimize stress by following these three simple steps:
Uplift yourself.  When a situation requires more resources than are available stress will occur and your life becomes imbalanced. To manage stress and to create a balanced lifestyle, it is important to provide yourself with daily uplifts. An inspirational thought, a compliment, lunch with a friend or a brisk walk may counteract the daily hassles and help minimize stress.
Create a buffer.  It is important to recognize that attitude impacts stress. How you perceive stress is a key component to dealing with stress. If you recognize stress as a challenge and not a threat, less stress will occur. Buffering between stress and the development of illness due to stress is critical. A positive attitude will help decrease stress.
Develop a social network. Many experts recognize that stress occurs when there is not enough social support available. Support comes in a variety of forms – emotional support, financial assistance or physical support. A social network will help you cope with the impact of a stressful event.
Is your glass half empty or half full? An event can be stressful or not – it all depends on your perception of the situation. Take control of the stressors in your life. Your response to stress depends on your resources and coping strategies.  Less stress creates a positive lifestyle and increases self-esteem and confidence.

The Empowerment Project

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