Sunday, May 5, 2013

Re-charge and be Happy

Do you measure happiness by things rather than by moments? Take a few minutes and empower yourself through positive acts that will enhance your happiness.
● Work on a project that is meaningful to you.
● Give a compliment. Take time to cheer-on a family member, colleague or friend.
● Post an inspirational thought or quote on your bathroom mirror.
● Email a friend.
● Listen to uplifting music.
● Get moving. Talk a walk, attend a fitness class or play an outdoor game with your kids.
● Help someone in need.
● Be grateful. Begin by listing the things you are grateful for.  In a gratitude journal, express daily thanks.
● Read a chapter from a book that inspires you.
● Stop and enjoy the sunrise or sunset.
● Let someone in line at the bank or grocery store.
● Share a smile. A simple smile can brighten someone’s day.
● Send a card to a family member expressing your love and appreciation.
● Spend time alone and enjoy the solitude and quiet.
● De-clutter your living space. Give away something that you no longer need or want.
● Donate your time. Give service to your church or community.
● Spend time going through family pictures. Take time to appreciate the memories from past vacations and events.
● Watch an old movie. 

The Empowerment Project


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