Monday, June 3, 2013

Planted to Bloom

Move forward with confidence! 

In the spring, I enjoy planting seeds in my garden. I carefully place each seed deep into the rich brown soil with the expectation that it will bloom. Seeds are planted to bloom.  People can also bloom in a metaphorical sense. 

The definition of bloom is to grow or flourish.  Personal growth requires hard work and is a life-long process. To flourish is to thrive, a sense of accomplishment resulting from hard work and discipline. 

Many people view happiness and success as having it all, everything that life offers.  The world’s evolving concept of “he or she who has the most wins” does not bring true happiness. It’s not wealth, beauty or being the smartest that brings happiness. True happiness is achieved through hard work, involvement in a loving relationship and a sense of belonging. 

“Blooming” begins by knowing yourself, who you are and what you want out of life. Knowing who you are is important but knowing where you are headed in life is essential.  

Create your identity. Choose to be strong mentally and physically. Exercise and eat a healthy diet. Build your confidence by recognizing your worth, learning to handle rejection and exercising self-discipline.  

Dare to dream big. What seems impossible is often possible. Believe in yourself and your abilities. Focus on your strengths and choose positive thoughts. 

Step out of your comfort zone. Forward progression requires movement. You must be willing to change, transition and to take action. Persevere and take the time to recognize all your successes, even the small ones. 

Accept praise. Too often an initial response to a sincere compliment might be to deflect the praise. David Dunning, PhD, professor of psychology at Cornell University claims that people are more likely to remember betrayals than positive interactions. Individuals underestimate other’s sincerity and generosity.  Allow praise to boost your self-esteem by embracing compliments and viewing them as sincere and generous. 

Move forward with confidence.  You choose your self-concept, the mental picture of yourself.  See yourself as confident, competent and capable. 

To flourish is to grow well, to thrive and prosper. Flourishing is the end result, it's achieving success. The process of achievement requires clarity, focus, effort, and persistence.  Seeds are planted to bloom, to flourish and so are you! 

The Empowerment Project









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