Tuesday, July 9, 2013

What empowers YOU?
The Bliss List

We list in a world of ‘lists’. A grocery list, a list of errands to run, a list of emails to answer, a list of birthdays to remember and a list of monthly bills that require payment. An important list that you may be overlooking is the Bliss List – a ‘to do’ list that will empower you.
Living an empowered life creates feelings of happiness.  Creating your Bliss List will help promote feelings of self-worth and joy as you identify your passions, goals and gratitude. Begin your list by following these six steps:
1.     Your passions. Ask yourself: What do I love to do? Identify your passions by listing the activities that you enjoy doing or have a desire to do.
2.     Your goals.  List the lifestyle changes that will empower you and increase your confidence. Commit to altering behaviors that will benefit your health, attitude, relationships and promote increased happiness.
3.     Your gratitude. Include on your list the people and relationships you are grateful for and why. This will help you identify the relationships in your life that need more of your time and those that do not.
4.     Yourself. Don’t overlook your own accomplishments. Take the time to recognize your successes. Avoid focusing on what you haven’t done.
5.     Focus on the obvious. Keep your list simple and don’t overthink this process.
6.     Change it up. Recognize that you can change your list throughout this process. Your Bliss List is about self-empowerment and recognizing what makes you happy. There are no correct or incorrect choices.
Consider your choices.
When life offers you a smorgasbord of options, ask yourself: Is this choice supporting my Bliss List, will it empower me and boost my confidence? This will give you clarity between the good choice and the right choice – helping you move towards happiness.


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